Baracoa, Cuba

EP01: Determination

Duncan embarks on a journey through Cuba, uncovering powerful lessons of perseverance and determination within the world of boxing. Local fighters share inspiring stories about the hardships and victories of life in Cuba, as they prepare Duncan for his fight.

Uncovering powerful lessons

This story takes place in the region that has brought forth the most Olympic boxing champions of the world: Baracoa. A region that has long been secluded from the rest of the nation. Where global superpowers America, China and Russia seem to have all the resources at their disposal to produce world class fighters, the gold medals of the Olympics always seem to find their home in Cuba.

Instead of fancy boxing facilities, Duncan finds local boxers nourishing their craft barefoot, using second hand gloves. Despite of the poverty that a lot of people find themselves in, he is welcomed with open arms and experiences the local hospitality and unity of the Cuban people. Values that are reflect ed in the way they view boxing.

Crew: Duncan Jansen, Joost Frijters, Thomas Breure, Hendrink Do, Martijn Wiltink, Luc Smith, The Social Routine, Luci Ramirez, Heloise Enjalbal.

Thanks to: Daisy, Cas & Fay Jansen, Paul, Anja & Bart Frijters, De Westlandse Kasboksschool, Tony’s Boxing Boutique



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